
Latest Shenanigans

Sorry for the lack of posting again things have been so crazy between the neurologist, pediatrician, Pysical Therapy, and gymnastics. Here is a little post to update you on the latest :)

* Emma is currently weening off of some of her meds and she is doing great so far. We are also loving it because she is so happy and is working so hard during physical therapy. We are seeing such great results due to her not being so medicated.

* We added an occupational therapist to go along with our physical therapist and they are both fantastic. Emma got some splints to help with her hands to be open more and for her thumb to stay OUT!

* She was finally able to get her immunizations this week plus the flu shot. Not that we enjoyed the after math (the fever from the shots cause her to have seizures, not the shots themselves) but we definitly think they are worth it! Here stats from the dr appt are below, she is growing great and best of all her head seems to be growing too (less chance of microcephaly: small head)

  • 15 lbs 10 oz
  • 25 inches

* Emma was blessed this last Sunday it was such a beautiful day and we are so blessed to have so many friends and family to share the day with us.

* Another plus in our week is that Ava passed everything off in gymnastics to move up to the big kids :)

* Emma is cleared to finally eat more food not that my breastmilk isn't the bomb but this is HUGE! We are so happy that she is doing such a great job at eating. So far she had tried the following foods; Bananas, Avacados, Oatmeal, Rice Cereal, and Sweet Potatoes. She seems to love them all.

* This next week we have a blood draw on Monday to test her medicine levels to see if she is clear to start a new medication and physical therapy. On Tuesday she has an eye appt. to check the development of her eyes (fingers crossed for a good report). I will update on both of these hopefully next week sometime.

-Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy them!

Hand Splint

Loving her oatmeal and bananas 
Last trip to Lagoon for the year and Brandon finally decided to play a game and guess what he won on the first ball. Ava was thrilled! 

Pure Happiness

Cheerleader for sure!

Emma loves going to Lagoon too - she loves being outside
Cutest UTE fans I have ever seen!
Bombora @ Lagoon
When Ava found out Emma was a girl all she ever wanted was to find matching clothes but with the age difference it was so hard. But now that Emma is wearing a 12-18 month we can find twinner clothes. #7monthswearing18months #firsthalloween #sistersforever #happybigsis

Keep checking back to see the latest happenings with Emma and our family. She is doing great with head control and working on putting weight in her hands to start to play with toys more (still is unaware of her hands). Remember to follow our blog by getting emails when we update (located on the left hand side. Don't forget about Emma's Facebook page too! Thanks again for following and EMBRACE LIFE.

p.s. We still have wristbands available for $3 if you are interested message me or leave a comment.

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