
IFSP...What does that mean???

When we started this new journey of our lives with little Emma we had to learn a lot of new things. One thing that I am going to talk about in this post is called an IFSP. Being a teacher I was familiar with this as it is very similar to an IEP. IFSP is an Individualized Family Service Plan - Emma receives services through our local school district - Jordan School District - The Jordan Child Development Center, Birth Through 3. We are so blessed to have access to such an amazing place. Emma is able to receive Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Vision Therapy (one day we will add Speech). All of these services happen in the comfort of our own home! FYI: These amazing services are available to everyone not just us (some think we get these services cause I am a teacher but nope they are open to everyone in the district). This month marks one year that Emma has been receiving these services so guess what that means.....it's IFSP time!!!! This time can be hard and emotional but I prepped myself knowing that no matter what growth has happened... it happened!!!!!

 Before I start in on the results of her IFSP goals,  I just want to say we LOVE our therapists and over the last year they have become family, Cari, Katie and Darcy have done amazing things with our little princess, the princess Drs said wouldn't do anything. The faith and determination they have focused on Emma and her goals is indescribable. They are incredible! Thank you guys for all that you do for Emma and the love and support you also show to Ava (they watch her dance routines and ask about her week every time). I tear up just thinking about how lucky we are to have them in our lives.


Health: Great *249 days seizure free (knock on wood)
Vision: Pass
Hearing: Pass

This next part does her age equivalent to what she is preforming at. I will post where she was a year ago 2015 and where she is now 2016.

Gross Motor: 2015: 2 months - 2016: 4 months (so just to be clear she started at 2 months age equivalent and now she is at 4 months age equivalent)

Fine Motor: 2015: 2 months - 2016: 6 months

Cognitive: 2015: 3 months - 2016: 6 months

Receptive Communication: 2015: 3 months - 2016: 8 months

Expressive Communication: 2015: 2 months - 2016: 10 months

Social or Emotional: 2015: 3 months - 2016: 9 months

Adaptive: 2015: 4 months - 2016: 7 months

Based off of research Emma is typically not going to develop pass 3-5 months of age in all the above areas. So saying we are thrilled with her results is an understatement. In one year she has almost surpassed that 3-5 month of age in all areas. We know that we have to work extra hard in the Gross motor and Fine motor skills but overall she is making improvements and that is our goal..improving is all that matters! One other thing we have taken into consideration is over the last year Emma struggled with seizures from Aug-October. That 3 months of seizures caused a huge delay in her development, during her infantile spasms she lost a lot of progress that she gained because of those stupid seizures. So once we were able to get her on CBD (cannabis) Oil our world brightened. Her seizures were controlled, she started lasting the full hour of therapy and progressing so much more than ever before. So for us we like to say she's only been working towards her 2015 IFSP goals since Nov. 2015 instead of Aug, once seizure control started. So instead of saying she's progressed this much in a year we look at it more like 9 months instead of a year.

"Inchstones get us to milestones"

Soap Box WARNING: let me start with this...hearing that your child is delayed is no fun especially when they use the word severe :(. But once the shock and sadness wears off get moving!!!! What I mean by this is, if someone in a professional position tells you that your child is delayed or seems to be a little behind in any area please don't wait to get them assessed. Sometimes they get assessed and it's nothing and sometimes there is. Speaking as a mom who has gone through it I know it's hard to admit that something is wrong with your child, but standing back and not helping your child in every way possible is not the answer. Now speaking as a teacher I promise it benefits your child to get them assessed before they are so far behind it is hard for them to catch up. So I am begging you do what's best for your little kiddo even if it hurts you at first because it will benefit them FOREVER! ok stepping down......

Here are some fun pictures with lots of INCHSTONES 
and even some we would call MILESTONES!

Best Big 

playing with a toy on my tummy during therapy 

Best Friends from the moment they met 

This little lady moved her way off the blanket nice job!

Hanging out at a concert gotta have our awesome earmuffs and wubbanub

hanging with her BFF Abby (Abby also has Lissencepahly) 

Thank you PJ's For Fighters Emma loves her jammies and her cuddle puppy

Emma was also given a handmade blanket from Hope Blankets we love it!

Hanging out with this beautiful Princess, Belle

Someone just noticed herself on snapchat LOL

We are doing shirts again if you are interested here is the link: https://www.bonfirefunds.com/embrace-life

Bear Lake Raspberry Days

Practicing holding a baby so she can hold her new baby cousin coming in Jan. 2017 yay for girls!

"Love the Little Things"

Tummy time is always better with big sis and Mickey Mouse

Someone loves her chair 
Such a great boater

what big sister is starting kindergarten ahhhh

summer schedule is over back to reality....these two aren't adjusting the best
exhausted after therapy

loves eating new snacks

excited to try new earmuffs 

snuggles all the time - these two are our world



head control practice

First outing in her wheelchair stroller! Thanks to the Nelson Family, We love you Charlee!

Big sis had a milestone too she learned how to ride without training wheels! 
Great Job Ava we are all so proud of you!

Emma loves playing with the slinky

Emma held her bottle....HUGE milestone

Emma telling me NO....LOL I loved it!

Belly Laughs with big sis


What did she just say?!?!?! Listen carefully at 42-45 seconds

Someone loves Cake...well frosting as least haha

Happy 17 Months Emma Lyn Tapia


so proud of all your hard work Emma 

Until next time I hope you all are Embracing Life and all that it has to offer. Slow down and enjoy every second that you have, it goes by too fast don't miss out! Emma has taught us this and we love to pass along that message. Never take one moment for granted. Thanks for all the love, prayers and support we can't thank you enough. We would love for you to help share Emma's story (on all social media sites) to create awareness for Lissencephaly and the benefits that CBD oil can give to so many other people (kids and adults) I pray that one day everyone has access!

Emma's Facebook Page: Http://facebook.com/embracelifeemma

Instagram: embrace_life_emma

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