
Update on Infantile Spasms

Good news and bad news.....Today we had another blood pressure check and it is still looking great!!! The bad news is she is still having the infantile spasms so she had to increase her dose from 8ml of medicine to 12ml. If anyone knows how hard it is to give an almost 5 month old meds I hope you have sympathy. Think Tylenol is only 2.5ml at this age so 12ml is so hard to get in her little body. It is quite the fight and makes us both end up in tears. But I know it's for the best so we just keep swimming....swimming! After this week we will dose her down for the next two weeks until she is safely off this medication. If she is still having the spasms we will have to resort to trying another medicine. Please pray this works I hate putting so much into this little body. As far as the side effects go she is starting to get fuller cheeks and is hungry ALL the time. Even at night she was sleeping from 10pm to 6am and now she wakes up more than when she was a newborn sometimes every 2-3 hours and of course this starts right as we are heading back to work (by the way we hate that summer is over 😢). The safest side effect is that she is very cranky. It makes us so sad because she is truly a very happy baby, so needless to say we can't wait to get our happy big back!

Here she is relaxing watching Doc McStuffins. Her sister Ava has taught her well. 
Here is another one I just love her ❤️❤️
She also got to swim for the first time. We were suppose to go to a family activity with a great group called Angel's Hands at Cowabunga Bay but since she can't be around too many people we opted to swim at grandma and grandpas house. 
She starts aquatic therapy in sept. And we are super excited about it thanks to our amazing PT. 

Well this sums it all up I think...any questions just ask :). Hope you are all loving every moment of your life with the ones that you love.....EMBRACE LIFE 💕

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